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journeyman-testTo become a licensed electrician, you’re required to take the state journeyman’s exam. Many people take this exam after completing four years in a paid apprenticeship program, which combines both class work and hands-on experience. At the beginning of the apprenticeship, you may be asked to clean up on job sites, hold tools, and perform other simple tasks. As you gain understanding, you may be asked by your supervisor to begin applying your knowledge to the job. This is a great way to prepare for a career in the construction industry.

When exam time comes, you need to be prepared, just as you would for any other test. Exams and licensing obligations vary from state to state, so double check the requirements near you.


Start studying as soon as possible. Once you’ve signed up to take the test, don’t waste any time before studying. Keep all the knowledge from your apprenticeship fresh in your memory. Don’t procrastinate.

Find the right environment materials. Make sure you have everything you need to study properly. This includes reviewing notes from class, reflecting on your experiences in the field, and buying study guides or practice books. You’ll also need a quiet space to study. Choose an environment with little to no distractions.

Learn the NEC. You have to know the National Electrical Code in order to pass. You should have a copy of the code and it should be your main source of information. It’s updated every few years so make sure you’re studying the most recent version.

Practice. You’re putting all of your knowledge into the test. Reading about the code is different than being asked test questions about the code. You want to be prepared from all angles and you should anticipate what some of the questions may look like. The test is typically timed so practicing will help you manage your time better.

Use a computer. Some exams are proctored through a computer system, not a written test. If you’re not familiar with using a computer, become familiar. You don’t want to be struggling with the technology when you get there. It will be distracting and time consuming.

Don’t stress. Walk into the exam confident. Get a good night’s sleep, make sure you’ve eaten properly, and stay hydrated. You want to feel good mentally and physically. Clearing your mind and body of stress will make for a better exam experience.


When you pass, many opportunities lay before you. You’ll have the potential to excel as a journeyman and work your way up if you focus and stay dedicated to the job. You can also further your career by taking additional classes or training.


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